Object Permanence

-Jacky T

This poem has a content note. To view it, click here.

Artwork by Caitlin McGregor. Image is a hand drawn illustration on a red background. There a bright blue clouds all over the centre of the image, and a variety of objects scattered among the clouds. A stack of bowls, a stack of cans, a tipped over glass, a water bottle, a goblet reflecting a face, a purple mug, a green bottle with a yellow snake coming out the top. In the bottom left corner, a dark shadowy figure looks up at the objects with arms outstretched- as if trying to contain the mess.
'Object Permanence'-Caitlin McGregor, 2023

To listen to Jacky’s audio poem ‘Object Permanence’ click play on the link below.

To read a transcript of the poem, click here.

Jacky T is a country boy at heart, wearing city life like an itchy woollen sweater. He battles chronic illness, hence feels right at home with the world’s current preoccupations. Having worked in Melbourne as an event organiser, activist and artist for years, his creative side is now sated by simply sitting in the bath writing short stories.

Sometimes he makes music too. Jackyt.bandcamp.com